Monday, April 28, 2008

Lowes and Twitter

I started twittering- because I like the word. The concept is not something I am sold on, but since the cool kids Marijean and Jim are doing it, I thought I should figure out what it is all about. I am @jmckeever if you would like me to follow you or me to follow you. Stalking is fun.

I concur with Patience’s sentiments on Lowe’s.


StLmom said...

I'm a cool kid! Dig me!

The latest in Twitter? Pitching media with Tweets. Gosh darn it I love working in PR.

Jennifer said...

Jim is against using the twitter as a marketing tool - fearing spam, what do you think, cool kid??
How did you find people to twitter with? Hardly anyone I know is on it.

Anonymous said...

Twitter has helped me build connections with others, learn an awful lot from others and get to "know" people better before I ever meet them in person.

I think that the potential for spamming in Twitter as great because it's fast becoming the "next big thing." But - the ability to connect with people on a human level via Twitter is brilliant.

Follow @comcastcares and see how Frank is putting a human face to the dreaded behemoth Comcast!

(and I'm a cool kid?! Thanks!) :)

Jennifer said...

Good tip Jim.

Pandemic Purchases part 1

I am never going to be an influencer. I realize this because I am terrible about hyperlinking and I am old. Of course, those are the only tw...